Masonry fall: update

Dear All, 

A quick update on the masonry fall.

Our contractor visited the church over the weekend and inspected the stone work on the Tower. He found no evidence of additional loose masonry.

However, as a precaution, the PCC has decided to leave the cordons in place while the cold weather persists, just in case of further ice damage. 

Therefore, please continue to be vigilant in that part of the churchyard and keep outside the cordoned area for the time being.

Thank you, 

Maxine Johnson, Lay Incumbent


Safety Notice! Masonry fall

An important Safety Alert to all taking exercise or visiting the churchyard.

There has been a fall of masonry from the Tower, as you can see from the photos. The area has been taped off until our usual roofing contractors/structural engineers are able to visit and inspect and then assess the situation.

Please take care while visiting and do not cross the tape please.

Covid-19: Tier 4

Tier 4 – Update on Sunday worship services in January 2021.

We have now been put into Tier 4 which means we are being asked to stay at Home.

Therefore, we have decided to continue with our Zoom Services online for the next few weeks at least, as this seems to be the best way to worship and keep people safe.

We are very grateful to Revd Martin Hathaway for ensuring there is a Zoom service every week as this is really important. These are Communion services and open to everyone to join in. (You do not have to take communion if you prefer not to but the option is there).

Maxine Johnson will send people the link to join these services, if you email her on

We thank you for your continued understanding in these difficult times and pray that with patience, we will be able to meet in person sometime in the future. Thank you.
Stay at home, protect yourselves and those you love. 🙏